Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Again, Home Again...

The night before my mother and I left for Tahoe, I caught something being very bad in my backyard. Hmm. Let me go back further. I've employed a lawncare service for the last couple years. They cut my grass, throw fertilizer down when necessary and pick up my fifty bags of leaves every fall. This late in the year, they only come about every two weeks or so - it's been a really hot summer so there hasn't been too much growing since about July. That said, the back yard has been looking ESPECIALLY dead lately, and it appears that something has been digging a gazillion holes in the grass as well. Is it the early bird getting the worm, or something more sinister at work here? B, my lawn guy, hasn't made any comments on the yard, and his crew has continued to mow it as if it is actually growing. (I didn't really feel like dealing with it, but it's one thing for the lawn guys to mow the lawn when it doesn't need to be done, and quite another when they fertilize my dead lawn - apparently not noticing or caring that it's dead. It was starting to make me cranky.) So back to the night before my trip. We were out running an errand and got home after dark. We pulled into my driveway, and the headlights hit Pepe LePew digging holes in my backyard. Grubs. I knew it. And a skunk of all things is ripping up my yard looking for them. So Mr. LePew doesn't even look up when I shine the headlights on him. I went in the house and turned on the flood light in back, and still, he doesn't flinch. I go out on the deck - and now I'm less than 10 feet from him, and it's like I'm not even there. (Nice dead lawn, right?) So I go in the house, and call B, my lawn guy who doesn't pick up. Message. Me: "Hello B, it's hollypots on (my address)...Yeah, I'm not sure you've noticed...the last three times you guys have been here...that my lawn is dead?? Well, I've just figured out what killed it...grubs, and I have a skunk out there right now tearing up my yard looking for them. Think you could put some grub killer down? I'll be out of town all week, but feel free to stop by anytime." Seriously?? I guess I should hang a shingle and call myself a lawn guy. This is my backyard after they raked up the dead grass and put down grub killer. It will need to be reseeded, but I'll deal with that next spring. Nightmare. Luckily no one ever comes over or I'd be embarrassed.

So Lake Tahoe. It's beautiful there and we had a wonderful trip. Here are a few pictures. The first on was taken in the middle of the lake - the water is very blue because it's so deep.

Here you can see where the water is shallow close to the shore. The water is much greener - but still so clear.

On the boat ride. Most of the trip H & P were up on deck and I was down below. I was struggling with all the people, so I took my anti-social self below deck to chill in isolation.

This is me & H at a stop coming down from Tahoe National Forest.

The next photo is the valley behind us. It is amazing. Created by a glacier.

I read and knit a lot during my trip. I've almost got my sleeves done for the Cable & Lace Pullover I'm working on. Finishing this is my number one priority. I won't have a ton of time this week, but I think I can get them done by Friday.

And now my vacation is over and I'm back in the office tomorrow. It's probably going to be pretty harsh, so I should get to bed. Bye for now.

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