So I've been a litttle scattered lately. I'm over tired, and I can't seem to complete any of my projects. I knit and tink (unknit, stitch by stitch) and re-knit and rip out. I'm stuck. Last weekend, my dear friend Tink (at Yarns in the Farms) taught me a new way to purl. (I throw. It was how I learned, and although it is comparatively inefficient, I'm pretty speedy at it.) Learning a new stitch was pretty cool; I came home and practiced it, and now it is firmly established in the repertoire. My friend D took a magic loop class a couple weeks ago and is taking a toe-up sock class today. I'm thinking maybe I just need to learn a new technique and this would work. I just have to find a pattern, which shouldn't be too difficult.
All I had to do was check the bookcase to realize finding a toe- up pattern won't be hard at all. Duh. I knew I had sock yarn, so I headed up to the attic to poke around.
This is my yarn stash. There are many like it, but this one is mine. I should mention that this isn't the who
le thing, but this is the mostly organized part. No yarn for current projects or recent purchases have been banished to the attic. There are two bins keeping me company right now, and technically, the yarn doesn't belong in the office.
Okay, so this is what I decided on for today's sock class. REGIA Galaxy. I liked it more when I bought it than I do now, but it's not doing me any good sitting upstairs.
This is enough yarn for two pair, but my goal is more realistic: TWO SOCKS. I suffer from one finished sock syndrome, but I'm hoping to get psyched enough to bang out a full set. If I get really interested in socks, I'll learn how to knit 2 at a time (but I probably won't since I go barefoot year round). The plan is to hit the class, then come back here for a knitting/Weeds marathon. I bought stuff for guacamole, so that's probably dinner. I'll put up pictures of my socks in progress tomorrow. I knew I wouldn't actually do my taxes today...
Hooray - another posting! I'm always losing socks so if you want to add me to the list of those in need......Hil