Saturday, September 18, 2010

Project Status and We'll See Where That Leads...

Long week. I've considered sitting down to post once or twice since Tuesday, but the issue foremost in my life would be my debilitating hot flashes, and who wants to read about that? Anyway, at this point it's a stretch to make them funny. This morning my friend S told me I reminded her of a fundraising thermometer (as the red crept up my neck and face), and said..."I think you've reached your goal." Next Thurs: Doctor. This is completely unacceptable. It's hard enough to accept the coming of age with dignity and grace without adding insult to injury.
I want to send a special get well wish to Takoda pictured here at left. I spent a lot of quality time with him last week, and now he's very sick. Here's hoping he just got into something toxic that can be flushed out of his system quickly, and he's on the road to recovery soon. He's such a good dog.

The last time I posted, I was on my way to rip out my Jubilee Scarf shown here. I haven't worked on it since mid-May, didn't really remember too much about it, and when I went to frog it I couldn't even find it. Well, the strangest thing happened when I DID find it; turns out I really like it. I have 19 1/4" done (way more than I thought), there's a row counter on the needle so I know exactly where I am in the pattern, AND the yarn is really yummy. I've decided to reintroduce. Norah Gaughan is the designer and I'm using Louisa Harding Mulberry. It's nice. It looks pretty crappy in the picture, but that's because it's been sitting in a baggie since the third week of May.

So I only have an inch or two to go on the sleeves for the cable & lace pullover I'm working on. I knew the back was done and I thought I still had to finish the front.

Check this out...I actually finished the back and the front before I put it away in the spring. That makes it easy. Once I get the sleeves done I can get everything on a circular and finish it up. The only thing remaining is the ribbed yoke and the seaming. That will leave me with four WIPs: Janis, the Stay Put Wrap, Jubilee and Cinquefoil which has been snoozing since May and will continue to do so.
So that's it for today. B and I are going on an adventure tomorrow, so we'll see if that turns into anything worth mentioning. Bye for now.

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