It has been a while since my last post. I've been back from vacation for a couple weeks, but it hasn't really been a calm, peaceful two weeks. The two temporary crowns I had done the day I left on vacation pretty much fell out and I glued them back in every day while I was away. When I got home from vacation, the dentist cemented them back in and then a couple days later when they fell out (again), I bit down on them and broke them in five pieces. Thankfully, the permanent crowns came in quickly and the nubs were only bare from Friday night until the following Tuesday. I'm happy to say that the perm ones have been in for six days now without issue. About the same time I was dealing with the teeth, I finally had to come to terms with the fact that I can't see, and had to get glasses. The night before the glasses were ready, I misjudged where I was walking and slammed my left hand into the moulding at the top of my banister post. Luckily it was only a contusion, but I was in a splint to immobilize my left hand for five days. I'm left handed.
That pretty much takes us up to today. I did one of the things on my bucket list today. I've always wanted to have my hands painted with henna. My friends D and V just moved to a new home in Winchester, MA, and they had birthday party for D at their new house. She brought in a henna artist who was awesome. She did D's forearms, the tops and palms of both her hands, and both her feet. I had one of my hands done. I'm so psyched to see what it will look like tomorrow, I can hardly stand it (I still have most of the henna paste on). I had a chance to see some friends I haven't seen lately, and my friend Dominic said, if you've wanted to do this for like 20 years, why didn't you just go to Morocco and have it done? I didn't have an answer. Why not indeed? I should really start looking at the big picture, man. I'm stuck in the details. Anyway, for a start, I'm going to have at least both hands and feet done before my next vacation.
So check out the beginning of the 2010 harvest...yup, radishes. They're little, but I was so excited to see them that I yanked them early. I was under the impression that if you grew them at the very beginning or end of the season they would be mild, and if you grew them during the blazing heat of the summer they would be spicy. That's not really true because these guys were planted in april, survived a mild frost, and still turned out spicy. Oh well. I'm still very proud of them. They're so cute. My beets, carrots and chard are moving pretty slowly. Last year I transplanted chard, and I might go get some pre-started containers. I think the chard I started from seed is going to be too puny to do much of anything.
Okay, and now on to the knitting. I know I promised to finish my twirly skirt while I was away, but I didn't. Slacker. I have the attention span of a mosquito when it comes to knitting. I've been meaning to start the Cinquefoil hat (using Elann Peruvian Baby Cashmere as suggested) by MaryJane Mucklestone for a while. I'm on the top of the hat, but the photos here are of the sides. The inside of the hat looks so awesome that I might wear it inside out. Ha!
I took so many projects with me on vacation that I actually went to the post office in Indiana and sent the yarn for one project back to my house in Mass. It was waiting for me when I got home from Las Vegas. Why not start another one, right? So yesterday I started a rectangular shawl using Schaefer Anne in a purple/gray variegated. The shawl is a very easy lace pattern. My next post will have the pattern author and photos. That's pretty much it I think. I literally have about seven projects going. My goal is to get SOMETHING off the needles this week. Probably Cinquefoil. It is an easy one and goes really fast. Sorry if this post was all over the map. Thanks for reading anyway.
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