So after two days completely down for the count with the norovirus, I'm actually upright. Not sure how long this entry will be - probably not very - but I have an update on my sweater, and a picture of the hat I made to go with. First I'm going to talk about being sick. I can actually talk today - I mean put a string of thoughts together and verbalize them. When I spoke to my doctor's office on Wednesday, this was not the case; I was literally delirious. I knew I was sick, but it was the look of horror on my cleaning lady's face that made me actually hit the speed dial. The woman who cleans my house and her husband are probably the nicest people in the world. A (the woman) doesn't speak much English, so I do all the communicating with L (the husband). She kept asking me if I needed to go to the doctor. Then she said if I needed to go to the doctor to call L. I'd been extremely ill w/ some kind of stomach bug for about 11 1/2 hours at that point, so after she left I called my doctor's office to see if anything was going around. Yes, the norovirus. Your symptoms match exactly. It's everywhere. People have been calling all day. Did you see where five Fitchburg State kids went to the hospital this week? This is what they had. Fuzzy...Fuzzy...yes I saw the ambulances with the Fitchburg State kids on the news. If you can't keep fluids down, you have to go to the hospital. ...stomach cramps...nauseous...can't drink diluted gatorade... If you can't keep fluids down, you have to go to the hospital. ...gatorade...I'll try to drink more gatorade... (And then she starts in with the trick questions) Are you producing urine? ... umm I guess so but not much. What color is it? ...what? I don't know. This conversation is getting waaaay too complicated for me to follow. (And then she goes back to the old standby) If you can't keep fluids down, you have to go to the hospital. (I have absolutely no idea how I left it with my doctor's office, or how I got off the phone, but I might call them today to let them know I didn't die.) I considered calling my friend D to take me in for a bag of fluids, but if I had, she'd be on death's door right about now, so it's probably better I didn't. Yesterday was nearly as bad. A's husband L called first thing to see if I needed to go to the doctor which was really nice, but I declined. I slept on and off all day, and my primary symptom (which I opted to leave out of this entry completely) had run its course by last night after sticking around for about 38 hours. So I guess I'm on the road to recovery. I can't go near anyone because I'm still contagious until 48 hours after the end of my symptoms. I have a terrible stomach ache, and feel sick if I try to eat anything. My headache finally went away, but I'm exhausted, and will need to lay down pretty soon. For a kick yesterday, I hopped on the Wii to check my weight, which was down 2.6 lbs since I checked it two days prior. The Wii suggested maybe I was losing weight too fast. Yeah, I'll say.
So D took this photo of me the other night before the left sleeve was finished. Looks kind of funny with the sleeve on the needles. I like top-down sweaters b/c I can try them on in progress. I might un-bind off the bottom and add two more rows for a smidge of additional length.
This is the hat I made to go with. It only has one of the tassels so far, but I wanted to post a pic. How funny is that...a hat with one tassel and a sweater with one sleeve. I'm feeling too crappy to knit anything today, but maybe I'll knit the sleeve tomorrow since I'll still be in quarantine.
Okay. I'm done. I'm interested in comments re: the hat. Do you think it would be better w/ pom poms? With the tassels, it looks kind of like the sleeping caps men wore in Jane Austen's time. Bye for now.
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