Monday, September 7, 2009

The Worst Yard Sale in the History of Yard Sales...

It has been a while since my last post. Last week I was trying to prepare for my yard sale and the entire week at work was crazy busy. For projects, I was working primarily on the FMB for my friend S.
By the time evening rolled around, I was not capable enough to separate 200 stitches into four handles and four spaces...perhaps something to do my brain allowing a limited number of calculations in a singe day (I'm an analyst) or not being able to count to 25 after 7PM?? After knitting and frogging the handle set-up row three times, I'm finally on my way. Hopefully I'll get most of the handles done this afternoon.

The yard sale - for which I've spent so much time preparing - was a complete bust. So much for trying to have a yard sale Labor Day weekend. We had absolutely no traffic; it was so bad that we'll have a do-over next Sunday.
To have one yard sale is bad enough, but to have two in as many weekends is really too much to bear.

Right after the failed yard sale, I went with my friend D up to her sister and brother-in-law's vacation home in Sutton NH for the night. D has a kayak and goes regularly, but I had never tried it until yesterday. We rented a kayak for me...Check me out!

I then raced back down to Boston so that I could meet my sister H (visiting from DC) in Hingham for a meal. No, we're not identical, but we get that a lot.
I'm about two inches or so into the third and final tier of my twirly skirt, with about six inches left to go. I worked on it quite a bit over the weekend, and it is really bothering my hands. I can't wait for this one to be finished, and I'm really getting close.

Since a couple of my projects will be wrapping up soon, I'm getting my queue in order. Just picked up this pattern: and was having a sale on the yarn, so I grabbed three color packs. Peruvian Baby Cashmere? How do I love thee...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed the kayaking. I've always found it relaxing - especially on a lake.

    Sorry the yard sale was a bust. Had you advertised it in the local paper?
