Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finally. A break from chores.

Yesterday I scrubbed, scraped, sanded and prepared my front steps for staining. This morning I took myself out for breakfast, came home, and had the steps stained by 9:15. I have some purging to do (preparing for a yardsale 8/29), but then I'll have a good chunk of the day to chill and knit. My Red Sox are in crash and burn mode, so I might throw in a DVD for background noise. Although I've been working around the house a lot this weekend, I've also made time to work on my projects a bit.
I went to Seattle on vacation in July, and as a thank you gift, I'm knitting something for my former room mate, S. I won't say what it is, but as time goes on, it should become pretty obvious.

I needed #7 dps for this, and in a shocking twist of fate, I didn't have them. Ten billion sets of needles in this house, and no #7 dps? Wow. I think I have so many projects on the needles that I don't know what needles I have anymore. What I should REALLY do today is frog some old, dead UFOs and inventory my needles. Seriously.
I've been working on my twirly skirt, and I've begun the second tier with a ruffle that is as cute as can be. I'm going to love this! I want to keep working on it as much as possible because if I stop, I'll never pick it up again with as much enthusiasm as I have right now...

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