My voice seems a little better today. I had a couple rough days after my vocal cords were abused by a fiber optic camera on Wednesday. I'm still coming to terms with my diet - which has been decimated by restrictions. No tomatoes (or sauce, I guess), no citrus, nothing spicy, no soda, and no food for three hours before I go to bed. Three hours is a long time; I was soothed to sleep last night by the rumblings of my own stomach. Still have the cough and clearing throat thing, but there would be no reason to expect the thing on my cords to be gone after only two days.
Here are a couple photos of my bulky sweater in progresss. It's a little snug, but that'll be fixed when it is blocked. I really like it, and I've decided to make a matching hat b/c I have so much Magnum left over and it cost a king's ransom. I'll probably make matching mittens too. And tassels for the hat and pom poms for
the mittens... Now I'm kidding.
I'm headed over to my friend J's house today to help her with her knitting, and have lunch. I'm a tad concerned about the weather b/c I'm right on the coast and it is snowing. J lives inland - outside 128 - so chances are it's worse there, but I'm sure I'll be alright. Gotta scram. Have a great weekend. Have some spaghetti for me! Bye.